Friday, June 1, 2012

My Peronality

 You are:
  • very expressed extravert
  • slightly expressed sensing personality
  • moderately expressed thinking personality
  • slightly expressed judging personalit

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Shakespeares Life

1593..............Preferment sought through aristocratic connections - dedicates Venus and Lucrece to Henry Wriothsley, Earl of Southampton - possibly the youth of the Sonnets.

Shakespeare's language

Laertes: the son of Polonius in Skakespeare.

Unfledged: not fully developed.

Censure: a judgement involving condemnation.

Monday, April 30, 2012


Dear EOG’s
You are pointless and a waste of time.  Im sorry to say but you should not exist.  At the end of the year, we need to be judged on our grades not a stupid stressful test that everybody get anxiety over.  You cause me to stress out and then when I take you i forget everything.  The only thing on my mind when I take you is “Am I gonna pass or fail”.  Its bad enough we have to try to get the best we can on our report cards, but not only that...we have to worry about you.  Math, reading, and now science?  If we fail you we have to go through remediation and we have to take you all over again.  If only you knew the pain we go through.  You are worse than any other test I have ever taken in my whole life.  You are black and white, no color.  You have so many, stressful questions.  You make our teachers say stupid things before, during, and after our tests.  You kill trees EOG’s!  We do not like you and you have no friends.  There are three or four days of you, and plus they take about four hours a day to finish you.  You are stupid and you cause panic attacks.  You are long questions that have confusing language in it.  Plus on the reading you make us read super long reading passages that makes us really bored.  You peeve me off badly.
Sawyer Mahaffey

Friday, April 27, 2012

"I Am Depressed Living Hard"

I am depressed living hard
like a miner or a hobo.
Out in the middle of nowhere, insecure.
As a gloomy creature,
that nobody knows.

I have no confidence
I don't even know where I am
I have no friends
I do not even know who I am.
I am depressed living hard.